Feeling Funky

Hey, Y’all—we need to talk. How many of you hard working people are feeling just a tiny bit drained? Maybe it’s the weather, the Rona, trying to focus while working online, the fact that we still can’t see our loved ones or all of the above. Whatever it is, this funky, junky feeling that somehow weaseled its way into our day has got to go. Whenever I feel funky, the culprit is usually identified as one of four things that caused a disturbance in the force. Here they are alone with some proactive tips to combat the funk. 

The White Rabbit

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” Uggggghhhhh, Ben Franklin, you’re making us look bad. How many times did we hear that from our teachers in grade school? Literally every time the science fair season came around. But would we listen? H-E-double-hockey-sticks NO. Let me rephrase. I’m sure you were nothing like me, but my younger heathen self would come into the kitchen glassy-eyed and shaking, ready to divulge to my poor unsuspecting mother that I had a science fair project due—in two days. The kicker? I hadn’t started, and I had six weeks’ notice to get it done. LORD…HAVE…MERCY.

After a good whooping and some snotty tears, there we’d be till midnight trying to hot glue gun bordette to one of those giant cardboard tri-folds. Now times have changed, and my procrastination is not as extreme as it once was, but old habits die hard. Sometimes I still find myself cutting things just a little too close, like the frazzled bunny from Alice in Wonderland, but I’m working on it.

My suggestion to you is if you are feeling uneasy, run through the things that have hard deadlines for in your life, and see if you are putting something off that you should be taking care of. For me, it was applying for a scholarship. I was nervous about applying because I was afraid that I wouldn’t get the award, so I kept putting off the application. Stupid—I know. But my twisted logic was that if I missed the deadline, I wouldn’t have to deal with the potential sting of not being chosen. Thank God I realized that my avoidance would only eliminate the potential for success instead of dulling the sting of rejection. If I didn’t apply, then I would be shooting down any chance at all of actually winning the award, so I put my application together and submitted it. Now I know, regardless of the outcome, I did my part. If like me, you’re avoiding something because you’re scared of the result, it’s best to just face it, do your part and leave the rest in the Lord’s hands because avoiding isn’t doing you any favors. Maybe it’s filing some type of paperwork, canceling that subscription, or making the appointment that you’ve been dreading. Whatever it is, if it is causing unrest in your life, Honey, it’s time to get it done. Once you do, no matter the outcome, you can move on and release the tension that task had created in you. 

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands; they just don’t.”

Ah, the sage words of our beloved Elle Woods back to guide us once more.  She was right. If you’re feeling funky and don’t have any deadlines pending, it could be a lack of endorphins that throw your vibes out of whack. This has nothing to do with weight loss. I’m talking about getting out and getting some fresh air. A brisk walk, a light jog, a bike ride, or dancing can get the blood flowing and help you sweat out the toxins produced by stress while reeling in endorphins. If it has been a while since you last worked out, don’t do anything crazy. Try going for a walk, take your furry friend if you have one, and breathe in the fresh air. Maybe try some yoga? I love yoga. Lately, anytime I am feeling overwhelmed with school or life, I add an extra yoga class to my exercise routine. The deep breathing and soothing stretches can help me refocus and center my body and mind when I’m feeling out of balance. It sounds a little hippie-dippie, but trust me, it works, and who knows, you might just like it. The point is, whatever form of exercise you choose, get outside and spend some time moving your body. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel afterwards. 

Treat yourself!

Self-care. One of the most important and most neglected areas of our lives. Let’s dive in, shall we? When was the last time you did something for yourself? Not something you had to do either, but something just for you. If it’s been a while, maybe this is the root of your inner civil unrest. It’s not your fault that you’re always busy being the stellar wife, mother, daughter, sister, student, professional who is continually having to wear different hats and juggle the many roles and responsibilities that come with the territory of being who you are. But, Girl, you have got to take a beat. If you’re reading and just cringed, I’m sorry, but someone had to tell you. You do so much for the people around you. You are the glitter glue that keeps it all together, and you are doing great. But the one person that you may not be coming through for is yourself. Self-care is not selfish. Self-care is an essential part of any person’s routine that allows them to refresh, recharge, and get back to the best version of themselves so they can continue to serve others. I know it’s probably been a while since you’ve been on a plane, but do you remember the flight attendant’s instruction about the oxygen masks? Put your mask on before you help others put on theirs. Self-care is the oxygen mask of daily life.

You need to take care of yourself so that you can continue to care for those around you. If you are worried that self-care will take up too much time, first, let me say, you can’t afford NOT to do it. A healthy, balanced you is the best version of you. Secondly, it doesn’t have to take all day. Self-care could be something as simple as . . .

  • sitting in your car for an extra song before you get to work
  • having a cup of tea or coffee before your kids are up or after they go to bed
  • putting on a face mask
  • watching your favorite show
  • doing a crossword puzzle
  • meditating
  • doing your nails 

 Any small thing that brings you happiness and is solely for your enjoyment and wellbeing is part of self-care. Making time for yourself is essential, especially if it has been a while since you’ve done it. I challenge you to take some time for yourself this week, and see if it doesn’t improve your overall mood. 

Are you getting enough Omega?

Not the fish oil. I’m referring to the Alpha and the Omega, the Big Guy in the Sky, The Lord. Are you making time for Him? Sometimes the unrest we may feel is God’s way of nudging our spirit to spend time with Him—to focus on His love and goodness. I want to start by saying that I’m not here to judge you on how much or how little time you spend with God. All I want to do is encourage you to do some honest analyzing of your own personal relationship with Him, and see if you are giving Him the time that you could be. A spiritual relationship is just like any other relationship. You have to put in the time to make it grow. Think about your significant other or an old friendship. At one point, you probably spent a lot of time getting to know the other person, going on dates, doing activities, hanging out—it was great. Did that all stop once you become official? That’s what dries a relationship. You have to keep reinvesting your time into the relationship to show the other person that they are still important to you. Can you imagine how your significant other would feel if you only talked to them once a week for, like, an hour? Let’s just say it would not go over well in my house. Likewise, as believers, sometimes we can forget that our spiritual relationship takes just as much time and effort to maintain our regular relationships. 

It can be hard to prioritize God sometimes because we can’t just meet Him at Starbucks and split a slice of pumpkin bread. But what we can do is spend time with Him through prayer, worship, and reading the Word–even if it is in the shower or while driving. Play some worship tunes or make up your own. All of these small acts show God that we love Him and are making time for Him in our crazy lives. In His omnipotence, He sees our efforts and is glad that we are prioritizing our relationship with Him. I encourage you to make time for God just like you would make for your spouse or your friend. Spend some time with Him and watch how He will bless you and make that uneasiness go away. 

Whatever it is that is causing you to feel the funk, I hope you get to the root of the problem and take the steps you need to stay balanced and peaceful. Remember to keep shinning! You’re doing great! 

With love from the Lonestar,


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